CLUB RULES AND CONSTITUTION (as amended 15/10/2015)

1. The club shall be known as the HORNDEAN AND DISTRICT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.

2. The aims and objects of the club shall be to promote and further the interests of Amateur Radio and associated topics. The club shall also be an affiliated member of the Radio Society of Great Britain.


3.1 Full membership shall be open to all interested persons over the age of 18. Junior membership shall be open to persons as detailed in paragraph 4.3 at the discretion of the committee.

3.2 All persons wishing to join must complete an application form signed by two full members of the club as Proposer and Seconder. If an occasion arises that the applicant is unknown to any member of the club, then his/her application form will be held by the Membership Secretary for a probationary period of two months.

3.3 The committee is not obliged to give any reason for the rejection of an application, and has the power to terminate membership at any time.


4.1 The amount of the annual subscription and joining fee shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting by the club members or at an official monthly meeting should the necessity arise. From November 2013, the joining fee will be waived for anyone undertaking one of our training courses and who joins the club in the same financial year (November 1st to October 31st).

4.2 Subscriptions become due on November 1st each year. Any member not having paid his/her subscription by next January 31st shall have their membership terminated, be considered as a potential new member having to submit an application form as such, and to pay the joining fee.

4.3 Junior members up to 10 years old pay no fee. 10 to 18 year-olds pay a discretionary fee at half the adult UK rate.

4.4 Subscriptions are non-refundable.

4.5 A flexible subscription grade of membership is available to cater for non-UK residents e.g. Europe, Americas, etc. Rate(s) decided by committee.


5.1 The Club Officers shall consist of three members:

(a) Chairman

(b) General Secretary

(c) Treasurer

5.2 The policy and affairs of the club shall be determined by the duly elected officers. The term of office shall be for a period of 12 months.

5.3 Principal accountabilities

5.3.1 CHAIRMAN – At all meetings, the Chairman shall preside over the meeting and have a casting vote on any motion upon which an equal number of votes have been cast.

5.3.2 GENERAL SECRETARY – Shall keep written records of all club proceedings and shall be responsible for the general day-to-day running of the club and correspondence required. Shall be responsible for organising the club yearly lecture programme.

5.3.3 TREASURER – Shall hold and be responsible for all club monies. A written account of club transactions shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting. A running balance of club funds is to be made available to the members at each club meeting. The finances shall be controlled by the Treasurer, and any payments made on behalf of the club shall be authorised by the Treasurer and countersigned by an authorised signatory. The accounts of the club shall be examined by any two club members and shown at the AGM.


The committee members will be nominated and elected by the club members at the annual general meeting or at an official monthly meeting should the necessity arise. The committee size will be determined by the club members at the AGM, but it is advised that this should not exceed 8 for practical and manageable purposes. Each committee member will take responsibility for a particular activity (i.e. special events, awards, journal, membership secretary, etc) as club officers require. This information shall be made known to club members at meetings and in correspondence.


The Club President is a figurehead for the club, a representative to further the good name and aims of the club, and able to stand in for the club Chairman if needed. The minimum requirements are that the President shall be a full licence holder with at least 10 years membership of the club, and have held a senior position within an organisation. The appointment shall be made by the committee subsequent to acceptance of an invitation to serve in the capacity of President. The term of office is controlled by the committee.


6.1 The club shall meet at regular monthly intervals and the committee shall meet as frequently as desired. Records shall be taken of any decisions made by the club members and committee.

6.2 Annual General Meeting – A one month notice in writing will be given to members prior to the AGM.

6.2.1 The order of business shall be as follows:-

(a) Apologies for absence

(b) The minutes of the last AGM and matters arising

(c) President’s Report

(d) Chairman’s Annual Report

(e) Financial Report and Examination

(f) Club Programme for the following year

(g) Election of Club Officers

(h) Election of Committee members

(i) Presentation of awards

(j) Other Agenda items (these should be given to the General Secretary at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting)

6.3 Extraordinary General Meeting – This may be called at any time by the Club Chairman or by request in writing, to the General Secretary, of at least five members of the club.

6.4 Voting – All motions, with the exception of changes in rules or removal of Officers, will be carried by a single majority vote. Motions for the removal of Officers or changes in the rules shall be carried by a majority of two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote. A quorum shall consist of five full members.


This document contains details of the management of the club, and a safety assessment at club events and special event stations.


In the event of a decision to wind up the club, its assets, after settlement of all outstanding debts, shall be donated to an agreed charity by the committee.